Race Reports, Running

Pie & Peas 5 Miler 2018

I'm not really a fan of the idea of midweek races. You spend most of the day going about your business and then find yourself standing at a start line in the middle of a field with around 400 other people who have had just as busy a day themselves. Is it just me that… Continue reading Pie & Peas 5 Miler 2018

Race Reports, Running

Liverpool Spring 10k 2018

You'll have to forgive me here. This has been sat in my drafts folder for quite some time but I wanted to get it out for you to read as it is the first separate race review that will appear as such on the site. I've decided I want to try and distinguish my posts… Continue reading Liverpool Spring 10k 2018

Blog, Running

Ready For The Weekend

What a weekend that was! Seriously, I've never experienced anything like it. It started on Friday evening when I got home from work and I was stressing out about my tea. I genuinely didn't know what to have. Nic had text me earlier to say it was pizza night and had clearly forgotten I had… Continue reading Ready For The Weekend